a place to vent about the things going on...
Happy New Year
Published on January 1, 2004 By bunnyluvusa In Misc
Last night was the perfect family new years. We watched "The Lion King", played Yahtzee, ate junk food, laughed, and watched the ball drop with Dick Clark on channel 4. The girls actually got along, and we all hugged and kissed at midnight. DD2 and DD3 finished thier pizza and went to bed, the rest of us followed by 1:30. If only the rest of the year could go as smoothly... yeah, right! LOL!!
on Jan 01, 2004
Heehee yeah we did that too only I am too old and tired to stay up till midnight ~chuckles~
on Jan 02, 2004
Most nights we are all in bed by 11:00pm at the latest also. With 2 teenagers I often let them stay up on weekends while the "old folks" go to bed )