a place to vent about the things going on...
Published on January 2, 2004 By bunnyluvusa In Misc
It has been snowing for the last 2 days almost straight through. Snow is so decieving! I love the way everything appears to be so peaceful, beautiful, tranquil even. But then you step outside and it is cold, uncomfortable, ick!! Currently there is a car stuck in the snow right outside my apt. So far 3 good samaritans are trying to dig the car out of the snowbank that it has high centered and stuck on. Looks like they attached the big chains and got her out. See what I mean about decieving?

I took down the tree and all the Christmas stuff today. The tree took up alot more room than I realized. It's nice to be able to walk around without running into things. Having a small apt makes it even more difficult but I am enjoying the way things are starting to look back to normal. Now if only the girls would pick up after themselves (yeah right) this house would appear clean!
on Jan 05, 2004
I was delivering pizza the other night out on Orchard road up on St. Micheals mountain and the snow was so high I was shoveling it over my hood onto my windshield. I got stuck in 3' of snow and thought I was going to have to call the calvary to come get me out. Luckily the heat of my engine melted enough snow after about 15 minutes and I was able to break free enough to plow the snow and finally get out. I work at the north pizza shop so we have to go out as far as Colbert almost to Deer Park ~chuckles~

Drivers in Spokane are some of the worst. They drive 15mi/hour in the rain but drive 65 in the snow ~chuckles~ and 10mi/hour on the ice. I am flying by them all the time ~grins~ and laughing because they all drive like little old ladies. I am trying to get pizza to my customers as fast as possible heehee It really pisses me off because drivers in Spokane also don't understand the concept of a fast lane. Two people get side by side and drive the same speed limit creating a line of dangerous tailgaters. I have driven all over the world so when I say Spokane drivers are the worst that is what I mean ~laughs~.
on Jan 06, 2004
I have to agree about our crappy drivers! I just got back from taking my boyfriend to work, they are already out. I think everyone is stocking up this morning before the snow flies harder today.